Ombré Gallery specializes in contemporary art jewelry by artists and metalsmiths from across the United States and around the world. Our mission is to exhibit innovative works using both traditional and non-traditional materials, techniques and subjects, while serving as a conduit to highlight the relationship between art, craft, fashion, and design. 














Jenna Shaifer, Gallery Director

Jewelry historian Jenna Shaifer spent the past 20 years circling the globe partnering with some of the most talented people in fashion and art. This includes working at some of the hottest American fashion houses such as Isaac Mizrahi and Ralph Lauren. Additionally, her career path has taken her through the curatorial departments at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C. and the Museum of Arts and Design in New York. In 2016, after relocating with her family to Cincinnati, she opened Ombré Gallery.

Jenna received her Masters’ in the History of Decorative Arts from the Smithsonian Associates/Corcoran College of Art + Design program in Washington, D.C. and Bachelor of Fine Arts from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia in Fashion Merchandising.

Caressa Layne, Gallery Manager

Caressa earned her Bachelors in Studio Art with a concentration in Metals from Ball State University (IN) in 2019 and has since continued to hone her practice, working with experimental materials, traditional metalwork, and textile techniques. She also has begun a traditional oil painting practice. Her work has been exhibited nationally. 

When Caressa is not managing Ombré Gallery, she is in her studio painting, sculpting, or writing.